AVENGERS #36-37/#451-452 (2001)

9 hours ago 2

Steve Epting has a two-issue stint on this title before Alan Davis signs on. Issue #36 starts with some clean-up from the Maximum Security event but then Templar appears and causes some trouble. He says he is there to punish The Avengers for being egomaniacs who are out for personal glory.

At the same time, Captain America is in Slorenia fighting Bloodwraith, and some of the team goes to help him.

Look! He’s crucified on the cover!

The two concurrent storylines feel like filler, but it’s fun seeing Epting draw the heroes.


In the end, Wasp gets it right: It’s time for a return to greatness. Having this book dominated by guys like Triathalon and villains like Templar doesn’t lead the reader to believe they’re reading about Earth’s Mightiest Heroes taking on the biggest threats to the world.

Next issue: A new lineup, a new artist, and the book gets great again.

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