A quick reminder that queer comic fair inQ! holds its inaugural event this Saturday, September 7th, at the London LGBTQ+ Centre on London’s South Bank. Co-organised by Manga Jiman award-winning artist Chloe Starling and Lauren O’Farrell (author and street artist Deadly Knitshade) inQ! looks to provide “a diverse selection of queer, small press comic and zine creators, in a safe and welcoming space that celebrates the queer narrative where words meet pictures.” The event runs between 1pm and 7pm. Full details on the site here.
inQ! graphics – Logo: Ed Firth/ Design: Deadly Knitshade
The exhibitor list includes AJ O’Neill, Alex Moore, azbt, Chloe Starling, Deadly Knitshade, Dominique Duong, Ed Firth, Jenny Robins, KitsuneArt, Nancy ArtMusic, Queer Chameleon, Rein Lee, Shane Melisse, Sharp Txngue, Shazleen Khan, Timothy Winchester and Yetunde Ekuntuyi. We count three Broken Frontier ‘Six to Watch’ artists and one former BF team member among that number!
Promo art by KitsuneArt
There’s also a community table where LGBTQIA+-identifying creators can have their work sold. Full details on that here on the inQ! site.
Promo art by AJ O’Neill
New comics fairs to replace those we lost at the height of the pandemic are always important to support. BF will have representation and we hope to see you there on Saturday!
Promo art by Timothy Winchester
Tags: comic eventsinq
— Broken Frontier Staff