EXCERPT: SURROUNDED: America’s First School for Black Girls, 1832

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| March 7, 2025

Courtesy of NBM Publishing, we’re pleased to share this excerpt from SURROUNDED: America’s First School for Black Girls, 1832, written by Wilfred Lugano, illustrated by Stéphane Fert, released this past February. The US Department of Education provides financial support for disadvantaged students as well as serving to ensure equal access to education through its office of civil rights. President Trump has been discussing the idea of setting an executive order to dismantle the Department of Education, which is expected to come today.

A note from the publisher:

We invite you to SURROUNDED: America’s First School for Black Girls, 1832, a groundbreaking graphic novel by Wilfrid Lupano and Stéphane Fert, to be published during Black History Month. This compelling work highlights the brave women who fought for Black girls' education in the early 19th century, intertwining contemporary issues of women's rights and systemic violence. With Fert’s beautifully painted, expressive artwork, which balances serious themes with moments of levity, this graphic novel invites readers of all ages to connect with its characters and their struggles.

From the afterword:

Once you finish Surrounded, Wilfrid Lupano and Stéphane Fert’s excellent historical graphic novel, you’ll see that the future of equitable education for everyone lies in your hands.

-Joanie DiMartino
Curator, Prudence Crandall Museum
August, 2020

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