Spider-Man and the Black Cat: The Evil that Men Do #1-6 (2002-2006)

8 hours ago 3

No, the dates up top on the title are not a typo. Issues #1-3 of this miniseries were published in 2002, and then it was concluded four years later. This was all due to publishing and scheduling problems, and it most definitely affected the overall series quality. It started strong then the ending kind of fizzles.

It starts with a shower scene…

…In which Black Cat says she is bisexual. Lots of bloggers have made a lot of this scene.

Basic story: Black Cat is super hot and has big boobs, and Terry Dodson is great at drawing them.teams up with Spider-Man to track down “Mr. Brownstone” who is a child-molesting heroin trafficker.

The main reason to read this is because Black Cat is super hot and has big boobs, and Terry Dodson is great at drawing them.it introduces a new Mysterio. Mr. Brownstone’s younger brother, Francis Klum, who Brownstone sexually abused, is a genetically engineered mutant with teleportation powers.

When Black Cat is accused of killing Klum’s older brother (she didn’t), he tries to rape her but then learns that she, too, is a rape survivor.

After she’s arrested for the alleged murder, her lawyer (Matt Murdock) tries to get her to say that Klum raped her but she insists that he didn’t.

Yeah. This series is DARK.

Klum ends up getting severely injured in a fight with Spider-Man and buys a Mysterio costume from Kingpin to attack Spidey–that’s the cliffhanger.

There’s a lot of disturbing stuff here and the narrative loses a lot of steam due to the years that pass between the beginning and end of the story. I’m not as big a fan of Kevin Smith’s comic book writing as some others are, but I’d like to think that if he’d been able to work this series all at one time it would have gone better.

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