Batman #139 - 1st Batgirl

1 day ago 5
Batman #139

Batman v1 #139, 1961 - When an unexpected niece shows up at her doorstep, Kathy Kane takes care to not reveal herself as Batwoman. Bright and perceptive, Betty figures it out anyway and starts to emulate her superhero aunt. This earlier version of Batgirl precedes Barbara Gordon, who becomes the heroine a mere six years later in Detective Comics #369. This Bill Finger story was drawn by Sheldon Moldoff and Charles Paris. Cover by Moldoff. /// key 

1st appearance

1st origin1st cover1st crossover 1st issue revival


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"Batgirl" 8 pages

1st Batgirl 

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Batman #139 - 1st Batgirl Batman #139 - 1st Batgirl Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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