EXCLUSIVE: Rogue Receives Shocking Powerup

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Marvel is continuing to release its series of What If...? one-shots that show what would happen if various classic Marvel superheroes became the herald of Galactus, and the next one up is the classic X-Men member, Rogue, and CBR has an exclusive preview of the issue, showing how Rogue came to such an unusual position in her life.

What If...Galactus Transformed Rogue? #1 is from writer Ann Nocenti, artist Stephen Byrne, colorist Protobunker's Dono Sánchez-Almara, and letterer Travis Lanham, and it is set in the past of Rogue, before she ever became a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, let alone a member of the X-Men.

Galactus next to Moon Knight


EXCLUSIVE: Learn How Moon Knight Came to Become Galactus' Herald

In a CBR exclusive preview of next week's What if Galactus Transformed Moon Knight, see what led to Moon Knight becoming Galactus' herald


Ann Nocenti (W) • STEPHEN BYRNE (A) • Cover by Ron Lim



When a young Rogue uses her mutant power to absorb the Silver Surfer’s Power Cosmic, the entire course of her storied history is forever changed! Now the rebellious mutant has been blessed with unimaginable power – but also the burden of serving as Galactus’ new herald. Rocket into space along with this fan-favorite character – it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

32 PGS./ONE-SHOT/Rated T+ …$3.99

Split image of Rogue, Candra and Pandemic from X-Men comics


10 Best Rogue Villains, Ranked

Rogue is one of the most versatile and dynamic characters of the X-Men. These villains have tested her mettle, and some have come out on top.

The preview pages show the conflict between Galactus and Silver Surfer, which, in the "main" Marvel Universe, came to a head when the pair made their way to Earth, and Silver Surfer broke from his master to defend humanity. In this universe, the break came earlier in their time together, as Surfer is objecting to Galactus destroying an innocent world.

Galactus smacks Surfer away, sending him flying towards Earth. Meanwhile, we see Rogue on Earth, before she lost control of her power after kissing her childhood sweetheart. Here, it seems as though instead of her boyfriend kicking off her powers, her powers will kick in when Silver Surfer crashlands on Earth after Galactus discarded his earlier herald.

As we have seen from the past, Rogue can absorb a shocking amount of power, as she has briefly contained Thor's god powers in the past, and so she will absorb Silver Sufer's Power Cosmic, and that will lead to her becoming Galactus' herald. How that will go down will be revealed next week!

Source: Marvel

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