House of M #6-7 (2005)

1 month ago 12

The human heroes fight the mutant villains in the AvX part of this story. We also learn that what we thought was true up to now, wasn’t. Like with all Bendis stories, there’s an important twist. We’ve been led to believe (mostly by Wolverine) that the House of M manifested because Magneto manipulated his daughter into creatiing it…

Turns out, though, that it was Quicksilver.

But Pietro seems to regret his actions, an unusually humble action for him.

Clint confronts Scarlet Witch, who killed him during the Avengers: Disassembled arc…

In a rage upon learning that Quicksilver forced his sister to up-end reality, Magneto seems to kill his son.

And in retaliation, Scarlet Witch says the magic words…

…that reset the Marvel mutant line once again.

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