New X-Men: Academy X #16-19 (2005): House of M; series (kinda) ends

1 month ago 10

The Hellions in House of M are still a squad, but they work for the mutant-run SHIELD. These are their stories. Da-dum.

Y’know, when I started reading House of M I was really looking forward to this. I’d read the miniseries before but not all the tie-ins, and I thought, hey, this will be cool. But the main series isn’t as good as I remembered, and these tie-ins just feel like so much Age-of-Apocalypse style filler. Still, this being DeFillipis and Weir’s final outing with the characters they either created or defined, at least HoM enables them to kill a whole bunch of them. That’s fun.

As far as I’m concerned, that’s the final panel of this series. After these issues, this book takes a very hard right turn in a new direction with new creators, and although it keeps the numbering it drops the “Academy X” from the title. We’ll see how that goes.

Overall, these issues are fine. I’m not sure Nunzio and Christina know how to write a bad comic. I would rather have read a true ending in the 616 universe. Reading this series has been a true joy. I just find myself exhausted, at this point, having read over a dozen HoM tie-ins by now.

No character tags here. Not sure which, if any, of these characters are really real.

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