The following contains major spoilers for Amazing Spider-Man #65.Deaths, on sale now from Marvel Comics.
Marvel Comics' Amazing Spider-Man is officially done with the job of being a superhero.
While the past few months have seen Peter Parker embroiled in a gauntlet of life-or-death battles against the demonic Scions of Cyttorak, Amazing Spider-Man #65.Deaths takes a far different approach to its story. Rather than featuring any particular fight, the issue follows Peter in his daily life. Unfortunately, said daily life has been irreparably altered by the experience of watching countless deaths play out right before his very eyes, leaving him stricken with a profound sense of nihilism that is stronger than Peter's desire to continue playing the role of Spider-Man.

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Amazing Spider-Man #65.Deaths
- Written by DEREK LANDY
- Letters by VC's JOE CARAMAGNA
Marvel Comics' "Eight Deaths of Spider-Man" storyline began with the current Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, Doctor Doom, inheriting a longstanding challenge from his predecessor, Doctor Strange. For decades, Strange has fought a series of battles against the Scions of Cyttorak, infernal beings wielding incredible power. Unwilling to fight these battles for himself, Doom turned to Peter Parker as the world's new champion, leaving him with a new Spider-Man suit replete with all manner of wards and spellcraft, which pair perfectly with the eight fabled Reeds of Raggadorr he was also given, each of which can bring the hero back from a single untimely demise.
Over the course of the story so far, Peter has faced off against and bested five of the Scions of Cyttorak, though not without losing his life multiple times along the way. Although Spider-Man has emerged victorious over each and every opponent he has taken on so far, that doesn't mean all of his allies believe he is going to make it to the end. This is especially true when it is already but a matter of time before the unstoppable Juggernaut arrives on the scene, and there is no telling which side of the fight he will be standing on when he does.

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In Spider-Man's most recent battle, the hero was able to escape any direct confrontation in favor of undergoing an infinitely more harrowing experience. When the demonic Cyra tasked Spider-Man with simply holding onto a small, mystical orb, he had no idea it would force him to watch on as his loved ones and countless others passed away in front of him. Walking alongside the Marvel Universe's new Death, former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson, Peter experienced more loss in a single day than most do in an entire lifetime, driving him into a depression so deep that not even his ultimate victory could bring him out of it.
Amazing Spider-Man #65.Deaths is on sale now from Marvel Comics.
Source: Marvel Comics

Since his first appearance in 1962, Spider-Man has almost always been Marvel Comics' most popular character. Known for his sense of humor and bad luck as well as his selflessness and super-strength, Spider-Man has helmed countless titles over the years, Spider-Man's most prominent comics include The Amazing Spider-Man, Web of Spider-Man, and Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man.
Peter Parker was the original Spider-Man but the Spider-Verse has become an important part of the character's lore in recent years. Multiversal and future Spider-Men include Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen, Miguel O'Hara and Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham. This provided the premise for the popular Spider-Verse film trilogy, which makes Miles its primary hero.
Spider-Man is also the basis of several live-action film franchises and numerous animated television series. He is one of the most recognizable characters in the world. While he's changed a lot over the decades, Steve Ditko and Stan Lee gave the world an unforgettable hero when they created Spider-Man.