Weird Mysteries #2 - Basil Wolverton art

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Weird Mysteries #2

Weird Mysteries v1 #2, 1952 - Lonely for a mate, a brilliant but unattractive scientist builds the perfect woman for himself. 

Basil Wolverton

 succeeds in making even a beautiful woman frightening. The first panel presents the main character front and center (see interior page below). Around her, symbols of science and engineering reinforce the story's theme and title. As a contrast, Wolverton depicts the scientist in Quasimodo-like fashion. This issue also includes art by Hy Fleishman. Cover by Bernard Baily. /// select Wolverton art
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""Robot Woman" Wolverton pencils and inks 5 pages 

Basil Wolverton

Weird Mysteries #2 - Basil Wolverton art Weird Mysteries #2 - Basil Wolverton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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