What If: Fantastic Four #1 - Marshall Rogers art & cover

1 month ago 31
What If: Fantastic Four #1

What If: Fantastic Four v1 #1, 2006 - A one-shot issue features a different FF in a parallel universe. Cosmonauts Peter Rasputin, Illyana Rasputin, Rudion Richards and Natasha Romanoff gain powers  when their spaceship is exposed to radiation. Marshall Rogers' artwork lacks the polish and precision of previous works. The artist shares inking chores with Jonathan Glapion, but neither does a particularly good job. The results are sadly amatuerish. This is 1 of 1 Marvelales issues by Rogers.

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Rogers cover pencils and inks = *

"What If the Fantastic Four Were Cosmonauts?" Rogers pencils (Rogers, Jonathan Glapion inks) 23 pages = *

Marshall Rogers

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What If: Fantastic Four #1 - Marshall Rogers art & cover  Fantastic Four #1 - Marshall Rogers art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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