LucasFilm Comes For Nerdrotic and Company

1 month ago 10

The Acolyte has turned out to have had a far greater impact in death than it ever had in life. There really wasn’t much going on out of the ordinary while the Acolyte was streaming new episodes. New episodes are streamed on Disney+ once a week. The Fandom Menace (myself included would shell it), repeat until the season was over.

Although, now that I think about it an outright cancelation is something new. I mean sure there are Star Wars projects that die in development. There are way more projects that are announced than are ever seen but these are usually “delayed.” Or “indefinitely delayed.” But the Acolyte was outright shitcanned and it was Disney that did it, not LucasFilm. This may have frightened and angered the Kathleen Kennedy Orks. With Marvel making money again (or at least one Marvel movie making money again) there are some rumbles at Fort Mickey about the possibility of shutting down LucasFilm and rolling the IPs into Marvel.

There has certainly been a ludicrous amount of social media pushback on the cancelation. And those things don’t happen organically. At least not to this degree.

Rewriting Ripley is a fan Podcast with a long history of fanatically supporting Lucasfilm projects. A few years ago they made a big name for themselves by attempting to prove with science magic that anyone who hated The Last Jedi was an Alt Right Bigot Nazi Racist Sexist Homophobe Bad Thing Wordsalad. But they were big on appealing to the power of science as an unquestionable authority, they put in lots of graphs in their articles which proves they are very scientific. Don’t laugh, I still recall the simian wonder my 1980s professors would show whenever I had my Mac include one in a term paper.*

Ripley had a rather outsized effect for what it was back then. Nobody was quite sure why but you couldn’t deny that Riply had reach. Most people weren’t as familiar with Algorythms and boosting back then.

Rewriting Ripley quieted down in the 2020s but this week came roaring back to life.

A handful of YouTubers have jeopardized the safety of our community & the creatives we love for too long. The Star Wars fandom demands action. @TeamYouTube demonetize Nerdrotic, Ryan Kinel – RK Outpost, and Geeks + Gamers. Hate SHOULD NOT be a career path.

— Rewriting Ripley Pod (@rewritingripley) September 4, 2024

The LucasFilm professional shills immediately and obediently jumped in. They were not just following Ripley’s lead, they were uploading the exact same jpegs to make their point.

This is Kyle Katarn who was famously catfished by a 37 year-old-man pretending to be a woman. #DickPicsWereSent

Mollie Damon is another one of the higher-profile shills.

There were a bunch of other shill accounts making the exact same demand and using the exact same links to do it.

Incidentally, Mollie and her husband are huge Star Wars fans:

Sorry to have Scalzied you like that but I had a reason. Here they all are at LucasFilm with Dave Filoni, Leslye Headland, and some of the lesser lights of professional shilldom.

They aren’t actually paid directly, although they do receive huge gift bags.

LucasFilm is doing the usual Disney Blogger stuff. “We know your income depends on your early access, so if you want to maintain it, you will be at Disneyland at 8:00 am to take a picture of our new cupcake.”

I could theoretically sympathize but they are jumping on the bandwagon to cancel other content creators and the rest of the time they are making that stupid O face every time something on screen “Vaders.” So fuck them.

This was clearly and obviously a coordinated push and it started at Ripley. The shill media was read-in, obviously colluded, and was completely on board.

Is Rewriting Ripley directly connected to Disney/LucasFilm?

Well, now that is a very interesting question. Let’s take a look at it.

When Rewriting Ripley was brand new and barely had 500 followers a number of them were LucasFilm employees, including SJW activist and LucasFilm’s resident “lore expert” Pablo Hidalgo. The one that attacked Star Wars Theory for tearing up when Luke appeared on the second season finale of The Mandalorian.

Maybe that was random. Oh, wait…

Back when Rewriting Ripley was big into Anti-Gamer, a social media manager for LucasFilm named Michelle Buchman publically contacted “Katie” when she was putting together her first assault on the Fandom Menace when the Last Jedi was destroying Star Wars in theaters. Buchman was also working for shill-site Nerdist at the time. She also reached out to Lady V, publically on Twitter. Shortly after this, the major higher-ups at LucasFilm started following Rewriting Ripley.

Aydin Paladin did most of the research on this: Here’s her vid, it’s an hour and a half long.

Rewriting Ripley was also a nest of fanatical Reylos and that was clearly the core market the Acolyte was trying to reach. When LucasFilm decided to destroy Gina Carano she lost her job, her agent, her management, and her freaking Twitter account all in the space of a few hours.

Sadly, times have changed. A lot of the people the Cancel Pigs got nuked on Twitter got their accounts back. And Hilariously, even YouTube thought it was bullshit and that’s saying something.

.@TeamYouTube, this is an admission that you have not reviewed our concerns, proven by saying “this video” when there are 10+ videos in question. However, thank you for confirming your inability to take safety seriously. You & your advertisers will be hearing more from us soon.

— Rewriting Ripley Pod (@rewritingripley) September 5, 2024

YouTube is absolutely not a good guy but when they think a spurious charge is indeed spurious, the day of the Cancel Pig has ended and the sun is setting on LucasFilm’s power.

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*Between that and screwing around with the font size and spacing, I was able to present my Greatest Generation professors with a 25-page term paper that only had 17 pages of content.

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